Thanksgiving Wishes - (2001-11-21, 1:54 p.m.)

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In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I wanted to share the story of my first thanksgiving with my husband.

He flew home for four very short days, and we decided to have thanksgiving at my parents house. I was NOT staying at my apartment, my roommates were psycho. I digress.

Anyhow, we invited our other family-less friends over since my parents were down in New Mexico with my Uncle. There ended up being just four of us, but we still made a turkey.

The turkey, now that's where things get interesting. We bought an eight-pounder, and I had never made a turkey before. I didn't realize that there was stuff on the inside. I was not about to reach my hand up a dead turkey butt, so I made Hubby do it.

Hubby was a cook at a restauraunt throughout his high school years. He set a precedent that night. We were working together on the potatoes, corn and gravy. I was stirring the corn, which he is very particular about, and he yelled "get away from my stove!" If he only knew then how much it would come back to haunt him!

That's the standing joke at our house...I'm not that great of a cook anyhow. I'm just not all that creative. Hubby does about 60% of the cooking and when he has late classes I make something easy like popcorn or toast for myself. I love food, I just don't like the effort that goes into making it! I'm too busy!

So that was our first thanksgiving. We had just met, and he had just re-proposed to me all proper with my engagement ring. Ahhh, first love. It's not that we take each other for granted or anything, but love does change over time. I love him much more now, but in a different way. I couldn't make it without him anymore. <3 *smooch* Love you sweetie!

I hope that you all have a happy and safe thanksgiving! We're going over to my mother-in-laws (against my will) so I hope that yours is better than mine...

By the way, my guestbook is getting lonesome.

Just wanted to add a little post script. What the heck should I name this kitty that I adopted today. Look over on the left. See her? Do you have any ideas? I'm kind of stuck.

Also, I added my picture as requested. There's also a new one of Hercules (I found the digital camera). Go look on my cast page and there it is! Did I look like what you thought? I think for the most part everyone was pretty close. Go check it out! :)

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