Potpourri - (2001-11-23, 4:24 p.m.)

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I am still at work. I work until six freakin' thirty tonight. We are supposed to be getting stormy blizzardy weather this weekend too so I wanted to get limited shopping done tonight.

I don't want to say one of Hubby's presents here, but I am going to make arrangements for that tonight. Then I need to stop at the mall (ugh) to pick up a gift for my girlfriend Chase from work. She's my cubicle-mate, and I really enjoy her company.

I just can't get enhused enough about getting up out of bed to go shopping at 5 am no matter what kind of deals I can get. To me it's worth the money that I will spend extra to go when shopping is convenient for me and not to have to fight the crowds. I even hate the crowd at the grocery store! We never went to the commissary on payday.

So if I have to pay extra to buy my gifts, forget it. I'm trying to make most of them this year anyway.

The homemade potpourri is coming along fantastically, and it smells fantastic. I am really looking forward to giving that as a gift this year, since there has been months of planning involved. I hand picked all the roses from my garden and dried the petals after they started to fade in their vases, I planted lemon balm, mint, chocolate mint, thyme and rosemary and have dried them for thier scents. I picked pinecones from underneath our evergreens and made wood shavings (to hold the scent) from the coffee table pattern that Hubby made. The covering of the potpourri jars is extra pieces of fabric from my bridal veil. Totally homemade and from the heart. Pretty special, I hope. :)

Now to totally change the subject, I've been thinking about subjecting myself to diaryreviews. Not sure though, just thinking about it.

Well, I suppose that I had better get back to dinking around on the internet because I really don't have anything else to talk about. :) Have a cozy night!

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