Christmased up - (2001-11-24, 7:24 p.m.)

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Tonight we are going to have a cozy night. I love doing that and it just seems like we never do anymore. Rented some DVDs, and because we haven't done that since we moved back here (a year ago!) we had to open up an account. That tells you how long it's been since we've just stayed home and hung out with each other.

So we rented Bridget Jones' Diary and Joe Dirt. Guess who picked what? Oh well, maybe Joe Dirt will be funny. :)

It's all rainy outside, and getting very cold. It's a great night to stay home, as we are supposed to have some snow on top of the freezing rain which makes for some horrible driving conditions. So when we went to Wal-Mart today we bought munchies and we have plenty of popcorn and other yummy stuff to eat tonight and just be lazy slobs! Mmmmm, I love popcorn!

We Christmased the house today, and we just have to find our Christmas tree lights before we can finish the Christmas tree. Also my window clings. I have these beautiful foil snowflakes that I always put on the door and the mirrors in the bathroom. I wish I knew where they were, they're so classy. I guess I'll just have to wait until tomorrow and go dig around in the storage building or in my parents' basement as they let us store some of our stuff there. We have zero storage in our house.

Sounds like Hubby's back! I had better be off to be a couch potato! G'night. :)

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