Average Day - (2001-11-20, 6:42 p.m.)

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Today was kind of just another day. I need to get Hubby's help to scan a picture of me and put it up here. I still am not really comfortable running our scanner and it's adjoining program. All this technology stuff...I'm with Mollie on this one! But yes, you will get to see what I look like. :) I will probably add it to the "cast" page, but I'll be sure to let you know.

I went to the doctor again this afternoon. I'm still having acidy-tummy so he said to double up the Aciphex and hopefully that will help me to not feel so icky in the mornings. I felt so awful this morning that I almost passed out! I don't know if my blood sugar got that low or what, but it was awful.

Ugh, I just looked at the clock out in the living room. It's 6:50 PM. How does time get away from me???

I have to finish writing up answers to five questions that The Very Large Company wants me to answer for them. I am kind of stuck on the last one. I just don't know for sure what to say or how to say it.

Better go get my other stuff done. Someone spilled one of my plants all over the floor in the guestroom. I guess I had better go vacuum that up before Hubby comes home and accuses me of doing nothing but being on the computer. :)

I'll try to write more later, but until then...

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Hospital Stay for Dad
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