Great interview!!! - (2001-11-16, 10:23 p.m.)

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My interview went very well this morning. I am pretty encouraged. Despite the fact that I just feel at a loss describing to the general public how to use the internet, which is kind of where I am at ______ Very frustrating.

So yes, I hope that I am working for the Very Large Company soon. The start date is the 15th of December, so I shouldn't have to wait more than about 2 weeks to find out whether or not I made the cut.

Of course they are also wanting to know who I know that still works I referred my would-be-boss who actually referred ME to the position, and my college 101 Psych partner who also works there as a senior team member. How interesting is it that our paths cross at this point in our lives??? Pretty crazy. But could end up in a very good opportunity for Katress, you know?

One last thing before I put my tired self to bed. Go read lbrty828 tonight, she's my girl. I miss her terribly.

Her husband and mine were stationed out in Quantico together, and if you enjoy reading about me, you will like reading about her and her family. She has the cutest daughter Brianna! Go sign her guestbook too, make her feel welcome.

Thanks! Love ya all...pretty happy day today. :) *mwah*

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