Feeling better - (2001-11-15, 5:12 p.m.)

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First of all, I want to say that I feel better after my nap. Also being in such a funk, I forgot to mention that my Doctor said that I would feel pretty tough until the end of the day, but should be back to normal by tomorrow. :) Just in time!

I'm expecting a call from my friend that manages the department at The Very Large Company that I want to work for tonight. I'm soooo flattered that he wants to give me insider tips on what to expect for the interview. I'm always so bad at those "blah blah blah, and what do you think/how would you react/how would you handle this situation?" I can think on my toes and all that, but not constantly!

So yes, feeling much better. Hopefully back to 100% tomorrow, as the medication that my Doctor gave me seems to be helping my tum-tum already. The one thing that I'm still heartbroken about is no more Diet Coke with lemon. God, do I LOVE that stuff. But no more for a while, it upsets my tummy.

I also want to give a big huge THANK YOU to all my wonderful d-land friends for wishing me well on my birthday. Amy, Holly, Denise,Tiffany, Spiffy, Tenrec, Jez, Mia (who was going to sing me happy birthday!), J2, and Aisling for thier notes in the guestbook. *snif* You guys are so sweet! :)

I had better go start cleaning up the house. I'm about ready to have a fit sitting here looking at it so messy. It just doesn't get done when I'm not feeling well. Time to get back at it!

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