Laundry day - (2001-11-17, 3:23 p.m.)

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It is sooo beautiful out today. I can't believe that it's the end of November and it is in the upper 60's. That just doesn't happen in Minnesota!!! Amazing.

Hubby is outside doing some stuff around the house. He's been building me a coffee table to replace the ugly fake-wood one that we got free with our living room couches. It's just nasty. Doesn't help I guess that for a while the cats thought they could sit on it, and now the fake-wood finish is all full of cat scratches. Nor does it help that when I do my acrylic nails that sometimes I get nail polish remover on the plastic top! Oh well. Maybe if it was "cute" in the first place...oh who am I kidding, I was just clutzy! :D

Anyhow, I think I am going to ask Blaise about doing a little reorganizing of my buttons on top. I want to add two--one for a cast space and one for a Slambook. I've been having lots of fun with all the little do-jobs that I find online.

Did I mention that my interview went really well? Yeah, I'm still excited about the prospect of getting that job.

Anyhow, better go continue working on the laundry. I hate laundry, it feels like sometimes that's all my weekends are is laundry! Ugh. Oh well, at least we always have clean clothes and never run out of socks or underwear! Why is it that socks and underwear are always the first to be short of??? The world may never know. :)

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