Do you want to see me? - (2001-11-18, 10:53 a.m.)

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Visits: husband signed my guestbook! What a sweetie.

Please excuse the multiple entries. For some reason "edit my entries" isn't working. Hmmm... :/

We went over to some friends' last night, and they gave me a birthday present. A WOK! How cool is that? Very excited for this, of course. I've never had a wok before. :) What a great present!

Anyway, E*** is a manager at a local ISP, so of course the guy has like 5 computers in his office. Hubby was drooling, I swear! He also has a copy of Dreamweaver which I have been looking at, but unwilling to pay for. $200 is more than a car payment for God's sake. Ugh. How they get away with charging so much for that stuff is beyond me. If they didn't charge so much people would probably not pirate the stuff so much and they would actually make more of a profit from it in the first place. Okay, I'll get off my soapbox now. :)

E*** is willing to let me have a copy of Dreamweaver and a couple of other pieces of web-design software, so I am pretty excited. I want to build a homepage for Hubby and I, and this will make it much easier.

I've been thinking too. I always enjoy seeing pictures of the people who's sites I read. Sometimes they look as I expected, sometimes not at all. For some reason I expected Kiki to have red hair. But she doesn't, she has dark brown hair and glasses.

I've been kind of hesitant to post a picture here, because it takes away some of the anonymity that I enjoy. So I figured I would ask:

Would you like to see what I look like?

If you say yes, please make a note in the guestbook about what you think I might look like. This should be fun!

Also, take a look at the map over on the right. where are you from? The slambook has been getting a better response than I expected too, thanks to all of you that have signed it.

I love toys. :)

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