Friday Friday Friday - (2001-11-12, 7:36 p.m.)

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Countdown...four days to the interview.

That's right, I finally got a hold of the recruiter at that software company that I want to go work for! I have my interview at 8:00 am on Friday. I'm so excited!

The only thing that threw me was she asked if I had any idea about salary range. I have no idea. I know that those people get paid more than I do, and with a title of Assistant Technical Support Engineer you would guess that paid pretty well. I just don't want to low ball myself salary-wise.

I'll have to email my friend that is team supervisor at that department. They were actually going to have me interview with him! But then the recruiter guessed not, as he was who referred me to the company in the first place.

What in the world am I going to wear? I don't know if I fit into anything anymore! :/

In other Katress news, I'm not feeling all that good today. Just nauseous and stuff. Came home from work and slept for two hours. Ate some toast and now I feel better...I am determined not to be sick!

I think it might be because of what happened this morning. Maybe not. The call volume at _______ Airlines didn't go through the roof or anything like that, but the whole plane crash thing really gets to me. We had lots of people calling in to check their flight status, but that's about it. I couldn't work at the number that people called to check if their loved ones were on the passenger manifest...I just couldn't do it.

Anyway, if anyone knows where I can get a counter, I will certainly add one to my site to count down to the job interview! :) That would be cute. I'm such a geek.

I haven't had any guestbook love for a while, people. Let me know that you're still out there, okay? :) *mwah*

As a post-script, upon reading around this evening I found this. Makes me not miss living in the dorms at college. How funny is that???

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