Our furry kids - (2001-11-13, 12:33 p.m.)

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Yes, I'm home with the stomach flu. Yucky.

Anyhow, I figured this would be a good time to introduce you to my "furry kids." Four cats and one dog. In a 1200 square foot house...yeah, we love animals. We would have to, it seems you trip over one at every step!

This is Homer, with his infamous bear. Yes, my cat has a stuffed animal. Otherwise known as Homer-pie, Homie or the Homer-ator. Guess who that is right behind him? Yep, me. That's Homer's spot right by my pillow at night. Sometimes I wake up with a mouth full of fur! But I let him stay because he's so cute.

He's such a strange little cat...my vet thinks he's related to a Scottish Fold breed. I guess they're strange cats too. Homer is happiest when he's on my lap, and he's definitely a "one person cat." He likes Hubby, but he LOVES me. Homer has the very bad habit of walking inbetween your feet so that you trip over him. What a goof.

You may recognize Simon from his picture on the top of my website. Pretty handsome kitty. He was a stray that my parents adopted two summers ago, and nobody knows where he came from. That happens in the country though. We actually had a cat that someone threw out their window driving by once. We had him for 18 years. :)

Simon decided that he wanted to live with Hubby and I after we "cat sat" him at our house when my parents went on vacation. He never left. He's really Hubby's kitty, as much as Hubby would deny that. He sleeps on Hubby's feet at night, and just readjusts if Hubby moves.

He's also the coldest cat I've ever seen. In the winter time he will sit in front of the vents when the heater comes on. You'll pick him up and his fur will just be hot! He likes to snuggle under the covers too.

Herk, Herky-birky or Herky-baby is what this guy really answers to. He's white with a grey spot on his head right between his ears.

He was also a stray. Hubby found him last winter in February while he was moving snow. He thought Herk was Dante (another cat that lives at my parent's house) and got out of the truck to call him. Here comes this little kitten, squeaking away. Not Dante, obviously! So Hubby brought him in and pounded on the bathroom door--I was in the shower--and told me that I had to come see what he found. Yes, by the time I had finished my shower he had already fed Hercules and given him a name. Hubby took Herk to bed with us that night. Guess we were up to four cats!

Xena lives with Holly now but since I get kitty visitation I will leave her picture up here. She's still my baby girl!

This is Xena. We also call her Xena-beana or Xen-bean. She's the only girl around here besides me! She's an acrobat, jumping from the roof down to the deck sometimes when she wants to get in! Right now she's sitting on my lap making it difficult to type. She loves sitting on top of the monitor too. It's warm!

Hubby adopted her one day when I was in the shower (this is a theme, I swear!) from our upstairs neighbor in Quantico. She had these two baby kittens...and I used to play with them when I would baby-sit her daughter Nichole.

So one day I stepped out of the shower and zoom across my feet goes this itty bitty kitty! She's funny, she sticks her tail so straight up the end of it goes right over her head. Guess that means she's REALLY happy!

This is Zeus. He's so far eaten three boxes of rat poison, Hubby's shoes, a doormat, my Mom's shoes, our dresser corner, two trees, a shrub and that's just what we know about right now. He's kinda naughty. Hopefully one day he'll not be such a puppy and start to listen. Yes, he's only 7 months old and already 85 lbs.! Good guard dog, and he takes that very seriously. He's been barking at the Christmas lights that we hung already so we don't have to do it when it gets cold. (We won't turn them on until after Thanksgiving though.)

So those are my "kids with fur."

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