Happy Veteran's Day! - (2001-11-11, 4:00 p.m.)

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This morning we went to the local Veteran's Day Celebration down at the civic center. There were some very good speakers, but something really very sad happened.

All of these older guys, they just stand there so proud holding the flags of all the services, and of course the Stars and Stripes, tall and brave...you can just about see their memories of their time in the service when you look in their faces, and more often than not the tears that run down when the speakers talk about what's been happening in our country over the last two months.

The local F-16s flew over in the "missing man" formation, and the lead jet flew right up into the sky, pulling back as hard as I'm sure he could have as they raised the flag. I have a picture of this, but not sure where Hubby put the digital camera. I'll come back and add it later.

After we went inside to see the speakers, one of the men that was standing there so proud and tall collapsed. It was awful. The poor guy had to be taken away via ambulance about three-quarters through the ceremony. I hope that he is okay, he was talking to the people around him and telling the medics what was going on and how he was feeling, but it was really truly awful.

Hubby got to meet an Iwo Jima vet. That's why he JOINED the Marines...this man said that he was there for 30 days (Iwo Jima fighting lasted about 35-40 days) and I can just imagine all the horrible things that this man saw with his own eyes.

So if you see a veteran today, tell them thank you. Tell them that you are proud of them, and that you appreciate that they spent some of the best years of their lives serving their country. :) I'm so proud of my veteran, I just can't explain it. *mwah* Love you honey!

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