Mia's my mouth twin! - (2001-10-23, 5:43 p.m.)

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Another night at the gym...still just impatient with the progress. I want it NOW! LOL

Apparently I have a mouth twin. Mia had gone to the dentist today too, and had two cavities filled, on the same side of her mouth, and had only had one small itsy teeny weeny cavity before! That's just too spooky of coincidence! She also said that the bottom one hurt much more than the top.

So yeah, work was "fun" today, I couldn't feel my face from my eye down to under my chin, about 2/3 of my lips over to my cheekbone. Not a whole lot of fun.

And I don't think I should have been operating a car after having all that gas. I felt like my legs were rubber, and what I was trying to say kept coming out all funny. I wasn't making sense. :) Yes, that is different than the normal, thanks very much. lol

My boss let me stay off the phone for the morning, I just surfed around the weather channel website, our airline website and some other travel sites. Approved stuff, even though everyone surfs all the time when we are not busy. Official policy is "for business use only" and mostly I doubt they would have given us internet access unless we worked on the web!

Oh well. I showed my site to some friends at work today, and they were VERY impressed. Thanks again Blaise, you rock. :)

Off to try to eat healthy again. Only had a few candies at work today. It's halloween and they keep filling these pumpkin things all over the office. People keep giving them to me and saying "here, have a couple." Ummm...I'm on a diet, right? The typical answer is "yeah, so am I. Just have one!"

Oh well. Will power, will power will power! :)

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