It's freakin' BLIZZARDING here! - (2001-10-24, 5:07 p.m.)

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It's blizzarding here today. Who ordered this weather? I want to make a complaint. This is's October, Mother Nature, give us a break. We put up with it for six months out of the year, and one month early is just too much.

Anyhow, I did a good deed today. -Blaise, that's one! :) - Right outside the little rural town that I live there was a guy that had obviously just spun his car out and hit the ditch. So I stopped and picked him up. Normally I wouldn't do this, but he was wearing an Air Force uniform. If you are stupid enough to do something to me when you have your name and rank on your jacket, you're asking for trouble from a former Marine! lol

I brought him back to his house, it was so cold, and I've never picked up a hitchhiker, but this guy wasn't hitching. He was a very nice guy, he knows my family I guess, and said to stop by sometime to say hello! Ahhh, life in a small town. :)

Didn't go to the gym today (boo me!) because the weather is so awful, but I promise I will go tomorrow.

Not too much else to say besides the fact that I'm glad I have those flannel sheets on my bed, my house is warm and cozy and I can always count on a kitty foot/lap warmer and if all else fails, an electric blanket! :D

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