Goals Goals Goals - (2001-10-22, 5:54 p.m.)

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So yeah. Went to work this morning, and it was "you're training the new member of our team." Um, okay. What does she need to know. Pretty much everything.

It wouldn't be so hard if someone would point out where to start. Oh well. At least they think I'm smart (boy did I fool them LOL).

Really though. I was talking about my job/policy/procedure/what _____ Airlines wants us to say for verbiage and was thinking to myself "holy crap, my job really IS complicated." Too bad they cut my pay.

But I'm not bitter about that. What I'm bitter about is all this weight that came out of nowhere since I joined the gym. Hello? I weighed myself today and I was at 153. Now that is just too freaking much for someone that used to be a 7/8 in college. I'm not anorexic like Amy's new find (read jetta.diaryland.com for details) but for God's sake. Hubby and I have gained 75 lbs. between the two of us since we have gotten married. That's another person!!!

My goal is to lose 15 lbs. and continue to eat healthy and maintain a regular excersise program. I just eat the same as I always have. Admittedly, 120 lbs. for someone who is 5'7" is just too little, but 135 sounds about right. Right?

Oh yes, thanks for all the wonderful comments in my guestbook! I really am enjoying the new template, it's just PERFECT! I'm glad that you all like it, and Blaise should be very flattered! :)

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