Dumb Ass Dog - (2001-10-18, 9:13 p.m.)

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My husband and I must have the stupidest dog in the world. This evening, Hubby was going to have a drink with one of his professers (a story for a later time) and be home late. Well, Zeus-our dog-would not come when I was calling him. I called, and called, and called....and called. No Zeus.

So finally I walked over to my Mom and Dad's house, and what do I find all over the yard? Mouse and Rat poison. The dog ate just a whole shitload of it.

I called the vet's emergency line, and they told us to bring him in as soon as possible. So my Mom and I put him in the back of her van, and away we go. Of course the dumb dog doesn't know that he's in the process of killing himself.

I called Hubby, and he agreed to meet us at the vets. He even had to help the vet techs give Zeus medication to help him throw up, because the vet techs couldn't get the dog to mind. Welcome to the club, ladies. I'm already a member.

So $216 later and an evening spent at the vets, ol' Stupid Zeus (whom I really don't like all that much anyway) has pretty much destroyed what little money we had until next payday. Wonderful. Just freaking wonderful. Grrrr.

I hate that dumb dog because he just doesn't listen. We have a shock collar for him, and it's set on level 5, the highest. Do you think that he listens when we shock him? Oh no, not even close. I'm starting to wonder if he's even trainable.

Anyone want a six month old German Shepherd? Free, okay, I'd just about pay you to take him, to good home.

Dumb, expensive, suicidal dog.

We were going to get dumb-ass fixed. Now we can't even afford to buy groceries. That's wonderful. If Hubby's GI bill (joke that it is) would ever come through, MAYBE, just maybe we would have a chance at making ends meet. But between my salary cut, and loss of bonus-which was about $1000/month, we are totally hurting.

What am I going to do????

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