Your parents as neighbors? Ewwww! - (2001-10-20, 9:27 a.m.)

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Sorry no entry last night. Starband was down. Now THERE'S a big surprise. God, I swear, if we didn't live rurally and had access to a cable modem set up, I would so be with that. Starband just sucks. And...they are very expensive. At least we share the bill with my Mom. It's nice having your parents as neighbors.

No, I really did just write that. My parents are the best neighbors. See, when Hubby got out of the Marines, we moved back where we are both originally from. Rent up here is ridiculous, and to buy a house? Unless you want to live in the "nasty" part of town with the rednecks, you're looking at about $700/month.

So we bought a single wide (yes, you read that correctly) brand new custom built and moved it out by my parents house. In city terms, I guess we live about a block and a half away. We share five acres of property (we just pay the taxes since they already own it)and since my Dad is getting ready to retire, they plan on taking lots of trips. Built in caretakers, that's me and Hubby! LOL

Seriously though, they have been here for 30 years, they let us use all the tractors/lawn mowers/facilities that they have. My Dad builds cars for fun-we have a small junkyard on the property too. He built a new shop a few years back, and Hubby has adopted the old one. Spoiled, that's what we are. :)

My Dad and Hubby are best friends, I think sometimes that if we got a divorce for any reason, they would keep Hubby and not me!

Yes, I know this sounds like a weird set up. Hubby has lived all over the world, and I had moved away when I was 18, only to get married and move AWAY away at move right back to where I grew up at age 25.

I couldn't live in town again. Sub-urban Washington DC was just too much for me. Just don't hate me 'cause we be livin' in a single wide. It's ours, and it's a hell of a lot cheaper than an apartment (and no equity). Some day this house will make a great lake home. We just figured we would start payments early. :)

But you see, there's no where else that Hubby and I would rather live!

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