Supervisor Nightmare! - (2001-10-13, 4:51 p.m.)

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So nearing the end of my day at work, I thought to myself "I am sooo not having an interesting day. What am I going to write about?" Wrong...there was that last caller.

Agent: Thank you for calling _______ Airlines, may I have your reservation number please?

Caller: I don't have a reservation number, your stupid website is giving me errors. This always happens, and I want you to book my reservation for me.

Agent: Well, sir, we are here as website support, we don't make manual bookings. But let me see what I can do to figure out where you are having trouble. Where are you at on our website?

Caller: No, when I have called in the past, the agents that I have spoke to before just booked my reservation for me. DON'T YOU FEEL LIKE DOING YOUR JOB TODAY OR SOMETHING?

Agent: As I said sir, we are not here to make bookings, our General Reservations department is for that. The website was created as a booking tool, and we are here to assist with errors. Now where were you when you got your error?

Caller: I want your name and where are you located? You obviously don't feel like doing your job today.

Agent: My name is Katress and I am located in the ______ office.

So this guy hangs up on me after all this. Guess who calls back again in about five minutes, and guess what agent he gets to speak to? You guessed it, your friend Katress. LOL

Agent: Thank you for calling ________ Airlines, may I have your reservation number please?

Caller: You again, Katress? Is there anyone else that works there?

Agent, realizing who caller is: Yes, sir we have many agents here. You just happened to reach me again.

Caller: I demand to speak to your supervisor since you are not going to help me.

Agent: Well, sir as I advised you, I will be more than happy to help you, but I will not make the booking for you. That is what the website is for. Hold on and I will transfer you to my supervisor.

So I get this supervisor that we have been having, um, problems with. I brief Niki on what the conversation has been, and transfer the call to her.

Basically, she tells him the same thing. He knows his browser doesn't support our website very well, and refuses to use another one. AOL sucks, people. Let's be real.

She tells him that she will book for him, but that his name will be added to the exception log, and this will be a one time thing.

During the course of the conversation, the caller tells her "Katress just doesn't feel like doing her job today, she sounded like work was the last place she wanted to be today, and maybe the weather up in ______ is nice today or something." Niki actually said "yes, I talked to another agent today and they said that the weather up in ________ is beatiful."

By the end of the conversation, after the caller got what he wanted, and started kissing ass, Niki told him "Well, I'm not sure why Katress wouldn't make this booking for you, please be assured that I will be emailing this to her supervisor and will be addressed with her."


I repeat: Huh?

See, the escalation supervisors know that we listen to their calls from when we transfer callers to them, but I KNOW Niki didn't think that I was listening. What a backstabber. I only do what I am supposed to do and that bitch made me the fool.

I immediately went to my supervisor, repeated the whole story to Amy, and she callled Niki's supervisor.

Well, Niki just got her ass in some HUGE HUGE HUGE trouble, because guess what, folks?

Katress was right.

Niki was wrong. Very wrong, and she may lose her job over it. This is not the first time our office has had a problem with her. She smarts off to the agents in our remote office. What a bitch.

I really think she's in trouble.

Amy felt really badly for me, and had me repeat all the info a couple of times, and took notes on what I told her.

Should be interesting to see what happens to Niki. But you can be damned sure that this is one agent that is going to be monitoring her supervisor escalated calls from now on.

Anyhow, we are going out to a comedy club tonight, and then to a bar. Wheee! I never go anywhere, and I'm totally excited. I need a few drinks after the day that I have had. Almost perfect, except for that last guy. What an ass.

I'll write more of my adventures tomorrow, I promise! :-)

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