Mouth Noises - (2001-10-12, 7:22 p.m.)

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Okay, so this is entry #2 today. The cat just stepped on my keyboard and deleted all that I had written. And I was almost done!

I'm going to talk about one of my worst pet peeves...mouth noises.

You would think that you would realize that you sound like a freaking freight train on the other end of the line, but I swear some people are just so oblivious it's kind of sad.

But the worst has to be the people that "cho-cho-cho" or "tsk-tsk-tsk" or whatever. That's just obnoxious. There was a guy today that just wouldn't stop! He was really annoying I just turned the volume down on the phone. lol

He was a real prize too. Obviously a businessman, at work on company time. He just couldn't get his purchase to go through, and breezed through the first couple of questions that I asked him.

So the first time I walk him through it he just does his own thing, but I'm thinking, dude, you're doing something that you aren't telling me about...and of course he was.

The second time I walk him through the website (and it actually takes about 5 minutes to book a flight if you're not an idiot, and we had been on the phone for 15 minutes) I found out what he was doing, and it was of course something that I had asked him if he was doing straight off.

Moral of the story: pay attention for God's sake! The person on the other end of the phone might be able to save you time and frustration. That is why you call them in the first place. They are trained to help, and don't have their heads up their butts like you do.

Most people that I talk to are pretty cool, it's just those few, some days I just can't believe it. :)

President Bush's speech ended for me last night with tears in my red beans and rice. I still get all teary-eyed thinking about what happened. It has affected my life in so many ways, I can't even explain it.

A family friend is an embassy guard for the Marine Corps in Jakarta, India. I guess he is in the process of shipping most of his stuff home because they are expecting to have to pull out of there on a moment's notice. That's scary, I guess he has all these protesters outside the embassy gates. I am so glad that Hubby wasn't able to do that embassy guard duty because we got married. It gives me the willies just thinking about it.

I think the worst job to have right now has to be a postal worker. Can you imagine how many pieces of mail go through one person's hands at the post office per day? anthrax thanks. I'll pass. Here, take this letter. I would so be quitting my job.

So that's all for tonight, I made it through this one without Hercules stepping on the keyboard and deleting everything! :)

Goodnight! *mwah*

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