Friday night and I'm dull - (2001-10-05, 9:00 p.m.)

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I sent Hubby out to play this evening. A friend of his from high school is in town from Minneapolis. All his friends were girls, and they all hated his girlfriend in high school. They all like me, so that's good. His ex was a bitch...he calls her lizard skin. She's one of those tanning salon women. Yuuuucccckkk.

I am just simply too tired to go out and play tonight. We have had the busiest week at work. I don't know who thought that the airline industry was not going to be as busy, they need to come to my office. All calls are supposed to be answered within a one minute hold time. (We go for the good customer service thing, even if it means overstaffing sometimes) There have been calls that have been holding for 6 or 7 minutes lately, or more!

Normally there are no more than 1-2 calls on hold if any, and this last week has been an average of about 8!

I feel badly that our service isn't better right now, and of course with the number of cancelled flights people are just getting psycho because they weren't notified. Okay people, we are not working under normal circumstances. We cannot fly more planes into Reagan National in Washington than they will allow!!!

Anyhow, just the usual crop of callers today, no real standouts. Just a guy that had a free upgrade processed, and then wants a downgrade to the fare price 'cause it went down. Okay, I can't downgrade you and keep your upgrade, man. Does that make sense??? Maybe Mr. Teenypenis (see previous entries) was his brother or something, but I have just gotten so tired of it at work that it rolls off me like water off a ducks back. It's not that I don't care, I'm just not able to care as much as I usually do.

So, I will go take a shower with my lavender stuff--Johnson's baby brands are really on to something with that stuff--and go to bed. Wow, I'm really boring. :) It's Friday night and I'm going to bed by 10pm. Oh well, I always want to party on Sunday night when everyone else is too tired to even leave the house. I wish my schedule was normal...

Oh yeah! I joined a new diary ring with jezebel33. Go check it out! I am definitely a cubicle-girl-Dilbert-geek whatever you want to call it, but I don't mind. At least I like my job. :) My company is one of the best 100 to work for in America.

More tomorrow, maybe I'll have some more entertaining stories about customers, but I'm just too tired now.


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