A Dull Day - (2001-10-04, 7:33 p.m.)

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Hmmm...not much to report on tonight.

Hubby came home in fantastic mood. Good things keep happening to him, which is fortunate, because bad things keep happening to me. I'm not bitter, just kinda frustrated. At least things are going well for one member of this family.

His Speech professer offered him a job. He wants to start a network cabling installing company, and want's Hubby's help, because he had to do this sometimes for the Marine Corps. A family friend also is offering Hubby money to install thier phone lines so that they don't have to pay Qwest to do it. Hubby likes to do that kind of stuff, he's pretty handy. Thinks he needs all kinds of tools too. Sometimes I think I married The Tool Man II. :-)

I went to the dentist today. I am a bit particular about my dental hygine. I mean, not many people that I know really brush twice daily and floss. Or maybe my family is just odd. Anyhow, I have two cavities. For someone who's been around for 25 years and only had one, I am a little upset by this.

My hygenist said that it's from stress. I guess there are these little hormone receptors in your gums and when you are pregnant or stressed they just go NUTSO, hence the two cavities out of nowhere.

Did I mention that I hate pain? I mean, I have two tattoos, one of them quite large (also unfinished, because I couldn't handle it in one sitting, two hours of sheer pain was all that I could take) but dental-like pain? I think I might need some happy gas for that.

Anyhow, sorry my day was so boring. The only cool thing that happened was __________ Airlines gave us free reign when it comes to schedule changes, which is what I used to do for (insert travel company here).com. I enjoy doing schedule changes, it makes me feel competent.

So even if I feel I'm getting a bit of the short end of the stick, at least I am feeling competent today!

Hopefully something more interesting will happen to me tomorrow. Or maybe dull is good, if it keeps me out of trouble.

Oh yes, one of my cats, Hercules, says "meow/hello." He is telling me to tell you. :-)

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