I think we might have sold the car...finally - (2001-10-03, 8:59 p.m.)

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Guess what?

We got a bite on my husband's car! We have been trying to sell it, but have not had much luck over the past month. So...if you are intrested in a '98 Chevy Malibu with high miles for the bargain basement price of $5,000...drop me an email.

You could say that it has been well taken care of, which is really an understatement. My husband used to wash that thing two times a week and wax it twice a month (he's a little anal retentive about stuff like that).n Plus, we have never had any problems with it, he fixes small stuff before it ever had a chance to go wrong. There's that anal thing again...mechanical though this time.

In other news, sugar beet harvest is starting around here. Our neighbor is a beet farmer, and I can hear him out my office window. Beet harvest is tough work, my husband helped with it last year. Long hours, and dirty work. The machines that they use are really quite Rube Goldberg inventions, but they do the trick. It was fun to learn about how they all worked last year when I rode with during harvest. Of course because beet harvest has started the trees are turning yellow and it's getting cold out. I'm just not ready for winter yet. :-/ Even though I missed it a great deal when we lived in suburban Washington DC. I guess you can't have it all!

Work was killer today, so busy. Never any time in between calls. I guess I get spoiled on my Saturdays, as usually it's slower. I like my cube mate, she's fun to talk to and I didn't hardly get to say hi today! No surfing either. It's hard to resist when you work online.

Also had this one jerk who told me that I was "absolutely no help to him and had just wasted ten minutes of his life." Also, he felt it was important to inform me that "your service at the Philadelphia airport was terrible before, and now you are telling me that I have to stand in line because I have an e-ticket?" Yep, that's right sir, and you're damned skippy that I am NOT going to offer to change that for you because you are a big jerk that must have a really small penis.

Just another reason to be nice when you call customer service. If I wanted to be extra helpful like I normally am-and I obviously was not going to go out of my way to be nice for Mr. Teenypenis-I could have saved him probably an hour waiting in line at the ticket counter! *hehehe* I guess I'm just naughty that way!

Oh well, I hope tomorrow isn't as busy. At least they are letting us correct our own schedule changes now and reaccomodate for all those cancelled flights. That's what I used to do on my old account. It's just nostalgic *snif*.

Anyhow, must go have that lavender bubble bath that a friend recommended to me for de-stressing purposes. Thanks again for that, by the way!

Goodnight all, I promise I will come back with more exciting tales of the life of an Online Service Rep tomorrow.


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