Damned Telemarketers - (2001-10-02, 8:34 p.m.)

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I just cannot believe the balls that some of those Discover Card people have.

For the past 6 months, I have been telling them "Put me on your do not call list." I'm not stupid, I know that by law they are required to do so. So what happens tonight?

You got it, another telemarketing call from Discover Card. They want me to know about some new promotion they are running so badly they have an agent call me AGAIN after I have demanded to be put on the do not call list.

Now I used to be a telemarketer. I know how it is, but someone in their office must have their head up their ASS! So I call to cancel the card, and they try to bribe me into all this stuff.

I told the guy, hey look, I know you're just doing your job, but save you and me both some time and just cancel it because I am NOT going to keep this card. You all keep calling me and calling me...this is a cell phone (Todd and I were not going to pay Qwest $23,000 to install a land line, another story entirely) and you are wasting my minutes every time you call after me asking you FIVE WHOLE TIMES to be put on your do not call list. For God's sake, you would think you all would figure it out by now!

So after about five minutes of arguing, we finally managed to get my card cancelled.

Not five minutes after I hang up the phone, guess who calls. I'LL BE DAMNED IF IT'S NOT ANOTHER TELEMARKETER FROM DISCOVER CARD! Offering me again that same thing-new package or something.


The guy had the balls to ask me what card was it that we were going to keep. Um, that's none of your damned business, I don't feel that I need to share that information with you as it is private, thanks very much.

Good thing we kept Navy Federal Credit Union, even if there is no branch here. They just gave us a car loan for Todd's (husband) new car...with an interest rate of 7%...so Wells Fargo can put their 10.9%, well, you know where they can put it! :)

Good thing for the guy that called the second time that I was on my second drink or I might have ripped his privates off over the phone line.


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