Not Again! - (2001-10-02, 6:00 p.m.)

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So at work today the drop another bombshell. Not only do we work in the airline industry as a whole (and everyone knows what a big turd flushed down the toilet THAT has been lately) but we got another email that stated our salaries are subject to review...again.

Okay, I lost my $1,000/month bonus. I can live with the pittance that I am paid beyond that. Cut my pittance 10%? Okay, just as long as you raise it back up as promised by the end of the year. Christmas is going to be, well, embarassing, but we'll handle it. I make less than I ever did there even when I started. I have 1 year experience, and it's not minimum wage by far, but sshhhiiittt! Cut a woman a break already! Another possible pay cut? I'm outta here.

The thing is I really like my job. Everyone that I work with is so pleasant, and that's extremely hard to find. I actually LIKE my boss. But for God's sake I double majored in college and had 1/2 of a Master's thesis done. I am not even in my field! Maybe this is someone's way of telling me to go back to my previous line of work. Not that a probation officer makes that much, but hey, it's more than the bullshit that I'm getting paid now.

I'm upset. Sorry for the cussing, but man, this is just almost more than I can take.

The thing is, "they" just can't come out and say it. Basically what "they" said was "your base pay will be re-evaluated on your performance in the months of July and August." Great, I was training for a new account in August. July I got screwed because the department I worked in everyone else screwed off and I pulled all the weight, even though we were evaluated as a team. Sometimes teamwork just isn't fair. So, that whole re-evaluation means what, exactly? I don't know.

What I do know is that I am kind of scared to tell my hubby that I may get another pay cut. He's gonna hit the ceiliing.

Maybe the Diet Coke with Lemon isn't strong enough tonight. Maybe I should add a little Bacardi Limon and that will make me relax better.

Hmmm...better living through alcohol. Not something I do often, but I've just had it. So much for this being a better day than yesterday.

Perhaps I'll do another entry after I have a few drinks. That could be interesting, come back and check out the drunk chick! Just kidding.

Or not...I guess you'll just have to check back and see.

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