Day Off? Hardly... - (2001-10-01, 9:15 p.m.)

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Oh so tired...

I just had a heck of a busy day, considering that Mondays are one of my days off.

1. Went to the gym and worked my ass off (literally, I hope)

2. Went to Wal-Mart for the first time. Had to get the husband some stuff, and I wanted to get some new lavender scented stuff. Mmmm, lavender. :)

3. On to Jo-Annes rip-offs, um, I mean fabrics where they had marked 60" muslin as $1.99 and then tried to charge me $7.99/yard. I don't think so, I left the cut material there and told them they could keep it. Bunch of jerks.

4. Wait for the Maytag repair man (no joke) because when the Marine Corps movers moved our washing machine home, they broke some of the little rubber straps inside my washer. You couldn't do laundry and have a conversation in that half of the house it was so loud!

5. Took Homer the cat to the vet. He's healthy, thank God! He sure did meow and cry in the car though!

6. Back to Wal-Mart where I got better quality material for $4.44/yard.

7. Mom treated the hubby and I to pizza. It was delicious!

So now I am going to take my crabby butt to bed and hope that tomorrow is a better day. I just hate bill paying day, and I hope that my customers aren't as psycho as I think they will on days after the full moon.

Wish me luck! :)

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