Furniture and Surgery Scheduling attempts - (2006-05-02, 10:01 a.m.)

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I'm attempting to schedule surgery on my right arm this morning. I say attempting as the surgery scheduling nurse is out apparently, and the woman that's taken her place doesn't seem to know what's going on.

I called yesterday and she never called me back...she claims that she couldn't find my chart. Then, she has no idea how long my procedure is going to take, and of course there's other complications. And excuses, of course.

I'm not trying to be down on the woman, but for pete's sake, if you don't know what's going on, FREAKING ASK SOMEONE!

This is going to be difficult as Dave is traveling a lot in May, and I must have someone around for the first 24 hours minimum. So trying to work with the doc's schedule and our schedule through someone who doesn't have a clue is proving to be more than slightly frustrating.

I can tell that I'm feeling better though, not quite so tired all the time. Especially since I'm getting the urge back to get things done around the house.

I started doing some simple refinishing to the bedroom set that I'm going to put in the kiddo's room. Thank goodness for power tools that you only need one hand for! Otherwise I would be up the creek. So I worked on that for a while yesterday. The dresser went through the flood and got quite wet, so that's going to be a little bit more challenging, but overall I think it's going to turn out just fine.

I would love to get someone to paint her room for me before this is all done too, although I can't honestly see that happening. All the painting that I've done in this house was by myself. So go figure.

I just have way to much stuff that I want to do without the physical capability of getting it done. That sucks.

Oh well, at least it's not freaking raining anymore!!!

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