Just busy, I guess - (2005-05-16, 8:47 p.m.)

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Oh my gosh things have been so busy. Get kiddo again this coming weekend and between stuff that we've been doing around the house and work it's just been nuts.

Dave worked most of last weekend as his job plopped a big huge project into his lap - him and his manager and one other coworker. They were supposed to have 2 weeks to get this stuff figured out and S** told him that the client wanted it done today...needless to say that wasn't enough time even though all three of them worked until 10 PM Friday, then most of the day Saturday and part of the day Sunday. I worry that he's burning out, but who knows. He likes his job, so I guess, whatever.

My job is going wonderfully, things finally clicked into place this morning for me and it was just like a light bulb went on in my head or something. All of a sudden, it was just clear which is a great feeling.

The dogs are good, the cats are great, we're just busy I guess.

My Uncle has apparently adopted five kittens, their Momma cat disappeared. So he's been playing nursemaid to these three week old kittens. He sent photos tonight, they are just the cutest little things!!! I tease him that he's going to end up with a housefull of cats, but we'll see what happens. :)

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