Calvin's Leg Pt 2 - (2003-05-01, 5:51 p.m.)

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I have been having a great time making glittery dingbats. I found some that are just beautiful and I can see a new design in the future... :) Yes, again. I know, I probably redo this to often, but it's fun for me to have change like that.

Calvin's bandage came off today. I came home and there was what looked like chewed up kleenex all over the house. I checked all the garbage cans and couldn't figure out where it was coming from. Turned out that he had gotten some of the cotton out from underneath his bandage and had chewed it up. I think Daisy may have helped him with that, but who knows.

He looks so funny with his leg shaved in the back--like a chicken leg almost, but it's pretty bruised up. Goodness, that must have hurt when he broke it as it's still all black and blue all the way up to the top of his leg down to his toes. We couldn't see that until he was shaved. The hair is growing back slowly so he's pretty itchy.

I'm going to have a partially bald doggie all summer. Daisy still has a naked stomach from when she was spayed, so people might be wondering about the Katress dogs that only have partial hairless!

So that's the latest news around here. I have a gilded puppy who's about 80 lbs. with a cut open sock and a scrunchie on his leg. LOL

Poor Calvin. It's been a heck of a week for him.


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