Sick, Crampy and Cranky - (2003-02-25, 9:02 p.m.)

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I'm so tired.

I have the worst case of PMS cramps that I can ever remember having. I was literally curled up in the fetal position in bed this morning and have been feeling groggy and just exhausted all day. I wrote into work to let them know that I wasn't going to be there. I felt awful about doing it, as we're close to month end and there are so many things that need to be done to complete all the things we wanted to do this month, but there was no way that I was going to be able to make it through the day.

I should buy stock in whoever the company is that made Midol. I'm not kidding.

Daisy and I spent most of the day either in bed or on the couch. She's such a snuggle doggy, and she knows when I'm not feeling well.

I just wish I didn't ache so much. I think this time is so bad because of all my stress. I'm worried about my friends, as I found out more people that I know were in Camp LeJeune, and have been sent over already. It's just to much for my brain to handle.

I'm not going to get into a whole philosophical explanation about why I'm not against this war that we're going to have, but I will talk about it a little.

My friends joined because they love their country and they knew what they were getting into. It certainly wasn't for the money, as there's not a whole lot of money there to be had! Pay for enlisted is very poor. But I won't go off on that tangent this time.

What would have happened if nobody would have stopped Hitler? It's the same deal, different and more dangerous weapons this time. Saddam is a liar and a fool if he thinks that each and every one of the members of our military that are over there don't want to personally cut his throat. Close up. In person. With a dull knife.

So yes. I am for what's happening right now. I worry about everyone, of course I do. But they're doing it because they WANT to. At least those I know want to.

I don't feel that I could condone as a human allowing Saddam to kill his own people repetitively. Did you know that this is the man that hides weapons by schools so that he thinks that nobody will blow them up? Yes, we will, otherwise he'll use them against his own people and others anyhow. That's right, Saddam is killing more of his people and CHILDREN like that. This is how he is. He's a sick person that has way to much control.

Anyhow, I hope that nobody flames me to badly for that. I love to debate politics, but my mind is kind of foggy right now and I'm tired.

I'm going to mess around a bit more with my domain, then it's bath time, then bed time I think.


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