Money Money Money - (2003-01-28, 11:32 a.m.)

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I'm feeling a bit better today. Got some CDs burned last night and did some more image host transferrence. I'm going to make it so that people don't have to email me for the html for my designs. It just gets to be to much to do all the time. Besides, if someone wants to steal, they're going to steal regardless of how much I try to stop them. The best way that I've found to prevent that is to make an image map with links to diaryland and my design site. Neener neener! :) Most don't know that much html to figure that one out.

My cold is finally on the downslide I think. Which is great, as I'm getting tired of being stuffed up all the time. I need to do some more house cleaning. I love my pets, but life would be sooo much easier without having to clean up after them all the time. The cats are having barf-fests again, 'tis the season for hairballs I guess. Between that and their muddy feet some days it seems like a little to much. Oh well. Believe it or not Daisy-dog doesn't make that big of a mess. She's not a real shedder, so the most that I have to do to clean up after her is vacuum off the couch where she lays and vacuum up the milk bone crumbs from where she's been eating her treats. Simple, no?

I have a confession to make.

As much as I harbor a distaste for reality television, I've been watching Joe Millionaire on Monday nights. My husband thinks it's a riot! I just can't believe that this guy actually thinks it's okay to dupe women into thinking he has all this cash, when in the end it's all not true. How in the world can you build a trusting relationship on a huge lie???

God, listen to me. Going off about reality tv. I need to stop right here.

Anyhow, I think that it says a lot about our society and the values of the majority as a whole. When I got married, we were dirt ass poor. It happens. I certainly didn't marry for money, although I must admit that it is a source of worry for us now...which is another long story that I'm not going to get into here. You all don't need to know that much detail about my finances.

Nevertheless, Hubby would be better off if we were divorced with respect to financial aid. Interesting, isn't it?

He's not getting one though. I told him over my dead body! He thought it was funny though, in a really sad and twisted sort of way. He would be given a full ride plus spending money to go to school if it was just him.

There truly may be something to be said for the phrase "Money makes the world go round."

That's enough deep thought for today. I totally got off track in this entry, but oh well.

Happy Tuesday!

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