Katress Gets Acupuncture - (2002-12-16, 6:42 p.m.)

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I am just so exhausted I don't know what to do anymore. I got all dizzy and faint last night, and almost ended up in the Emergency Room. Bad stuff.

This morning I went to my doctor, and he's going to have every test run that he can think of. My Mom thinks I may have fibromyalgia, but I don't think that's it. There's just something major wrong, as this is soooo NOT just a flu.

Now the hard part is to figure out what the problem is and do something about it. They drew so much blood today that I'm surprised that I had any left for myself!!! I swear they took a pint or something, and it felt like it took forever. And did I mention how much I hate needles? Yeah, something from someone that's had 1 1/2 tattoos. I can't stand the sight of my own blood.

I just want to feel better. I just want to feel NORMAL again. I am so tired of always not feeling well, being dizzy and having no energy. This sucks.

After going to my doctor, I went to the chiropractor, Dr. B. He also does acupuncture. Apparently I'm messed up from head to toe, and my spleen and liver aren't functioning like they should be. It was kind of cool--he asked me some questions like:

Do you bruise easily? Oh yes I do.

Do you have bunions? Yep. Started hurting about 6 months ago.

Then he asked to see my tongue and my toes. Apparently he can tell just by looking at these two pieces of anatomy that my spleen and liver are not working correctly, and the above questions tell him that also. Crazy stuff.

So I had acupuncture needles all over the place, from my toes to the top of my head. Literally. I wish I would have had the camera! And then he attached some electrical device to select needles and put electric stimuli through them. I have to say, that felt a little funky.

He also taped my feet with athletic tape, and told me to leave them for three days minimum, and to avoid anything carbonated, coffee, chocolate and sugar. Good diet tips anyhow, but I guess they react somehow with the "chi" in your body after acupuncture.

Interesting stuff, to say the least.

I'm telling you, I'll do anything to get better. Because I feel like someone has run me over with a tank.

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