Nanny Kat - (2002-12-05, 6:47 a.m.)

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Yes, I've been a little MIA as of late. I'm still sick, in fact I feel just awful today. But I am back at work. Finally. Armed with cough drops and hot tea. Hopefully I won't lose my voice by the end of the day!

I'm just loving that my friends are staying with us though. Their daughter who's 2, is just such a source of joy. She's such a cutie, and has given us new names.

I am now officially known as "Nanny Kat" and "Extra Mommy." Hubby is "Unkie Honey" as she heard me call him honey repeatedly. So she thinks that's his name! How terribly cute. :) The "Nanny Kat" comes from not being able to say Auntie.

We were over at my parents last night, and she was having a great time putting rocks in her socks from a centerpiece that my Mom has, and playing with leggos and generally jumping on my Dad who is "Grandpa." Or "Gampa" as she puts it.

So even though I've been feeling like absolute poo, there's still joy in my life to be sure. I love having my "sister" with me, and I hope that she's having as much fun staying with us as we are having her in our house.

Needless to say, I'm thinking of a Christmas design. I just need to get the time and energy to get it all done. I want to add one to my design site as well, but just haven't been feeling up to it lately. I sleep a lot, and when I'm not sleeping I'm just kind of laying there like a slug. That's all that I've had energy for this week. Being sick sucks.

That's about all, I hope to do some diaryland catch up later today, so I apologize for not leaving any guestbook messages for anyone or being around. I miss it!

Happy Thursday! Keep warm and well.

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