Honor the Dogs - (2002-11-02, 5:19 p.m.)

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For the first time in a long time, it's hard for me to write. (see last entry) My heart is truly broken, but there's a new flame there too.

When we called Zeus's breeder who happens to be a good friend of mine from high school, he said that Zeusy's dad had pups. So of course we went to look. They also had a girl-doggie that needed a home that was from the batch prior to Zeus. She's about a month older, and she's laying right here beside me as I type.

She's becoming my dog, and I'm not sure why. I know the man that she belonged to before used to beat her, and she wasn't given much attention. She hardly knows what to do with herself with all the love and hugs that she's been getting! Her previous name was "Shady" which doesn't fit her lovely personality at all, so I'm renaming her Daisy.

She doesn't know what "treats" are, nor does she know how to play fetch with a tennis ball. That was Zeus's favorite passtime.

She doesn't look like him at all, but sometimes I can see their matching genetics in her movements or in her expressions. And I think that's okay. As long as I'm not expecting her to be Zeus (who is irreplaceable) I think we'll do just fine.

I'm not going to go into detail about what happened with Zeus, (it hurts to much) but he is buried behind the shop with the other pets that my family has loved throughout the years. I took her out there today to re-introduce her to her brother, and I explained to her about what happened and why she needed to take such good care of me and Hubby as our hearts had been broken. She just looked at me and let me hug her.

God, I'm crying again. I miss him so much and I keep seeing him from the corner of my eye. Just running around in the yard with the ball in his mouth, or sitting at the patio door waiting to be let in. I hear his collar jingle when I'm in the house and it's quiet and it just hurts so badly each time I hear it because there's this big huge hole that's been left in our household that nobody can fill.

Please don't misunderstand. She's a wonderful dog. I love her already and it's only been a day. I'm "her person" and she is sooo affectionate.

But that doesn't mean that I don't still miss Zeus.

One of our friends wrote us an email. He's a dog lover as well, and we were all great friends out in Quantico. He said:

Sorry for your loss. "Wife" and I understand what it is like to have a dog that is NOT ONLY a pet but a loved one. I hope you find it easier for Zeus's sake to sometime soon honor him with another GERMAN SHEPHERD.

That's what we're going to do. We're going to honor him with two, eventually. He left a large gap to fill. And I miss him.

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