Finally a day off! - (2002-09-30, 10:36 a.m.)

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Finally a day off! So for today I have to run to Wal-Mart for laundry soap, cereal and things like that, and then finish laundry and paint my nails. I should go for a run too, as I've been kind of slacking on that end of trying to lose weight. But the fight continues! I'm down almost 5 lbs. So that's wonderful!

One of my wonderful friends from work also loaned me the first and second seasons of Friends to watch, so I'm going to be a bit of a couch potato when I'm painting my fingers and toes. I do enjoy being a girl in that respect, but since it's my day off I'm not going to get dressed up to go to freakin' Wal-Mart, nor am I going to do my hair. I'm cute anyhow, so what the heck?

She has a wonderful entry today about marriage and feminism. I highly recommend that you go and read it. She's right on the money. She's always insightful and thought provoking. :)

I'm going to try to tackle rounded edged tables today. Be wishing me luck. But without her help there's no way in the world that I would have been able to get as far as I've come with design already. I have a new one that I'm thinking about putting up, but I'll just have to see how things go.

So on that note, I'm off to Wal-Mart!

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