Remember - (2002-09-11, 9:12 a.m.)

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Well, it's been a year.

And three years since my wedding ceremony. Yeah, it's my anniversary. Somehow I don't feel like celebrating.

I watched the news this morning when I was getting ready to come to work, and the ceremony that I saw was beautiful and heartbreaking all at the same time. It hurts my heart to think of all those people, what they must have gone through, I just can't fathom it.

Driving to work this morning, I saw a Northwest plane taking off. That gives me hope, and reminds me how far we've come.

I'm watching my fish that I have on my desk as I write this, and he's chasing his tail. :) His name is Norbert Finsbody, and he was here last year too. He seems to be a pretty happy fishy still.

There are other things that have happened over the past day or so that impact my family big time as far as finances go, but I don't feel like talking about them right now. I'll just say that my parents may not be able to retire the way that they wanted to.


I'm still here. I'm still working in the airline industry. I wasn't laid off, like many of my co-workers were. I'm in management now, and that's a good thing too. My company actually has shown profit over the last year. It's been tough, but we've done it.

I got an email from one of the upper management people earlier this morning and it made me get all soggy. I'll leave you all with those words, and (((hugs))) to each and every one of you. We're still here.

Remember how blessed all of you are

Remember how cherished you are to your family

Remember how Christmas felt when you were a kid

Remember how a crisp fall day feels on your face

Remember how clean sheets feel when you crawl in bed at night

Remember all the simple things in life


Remember how lucky you are everyday that you get to enjoy those little things

Especially today, remember that day one year ago, and make yourself a pledge to live the rest of your life making sure those little things don't pass you by.


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