House Guest - (2002-03-06, 7:41 a.m.)

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I'm still tired, but better today. I took a sleeping pill last night (just an OTC) and managed to sleep until 3 AM before I woke up for the first time. I only woke up three times, so this is much improved.

My doctor called me back last night and told me to bump up my dose of Paxil from 10 mg to 20 mg. So now I'm taking the regular dose of Paxil. We'll see how this works out. I just hate the tremors that seem to result out of taking Paxil. I jitter and jive all day long and I'm wondering if this is one of the reasons that I'm having problems sleeping at night.

I would like to try Celexa. I've been told that it has a mild sedative in it that is supposed to help you sleep at night. This sounds like the way to go to me, but my next doctors appointment isn't until the 23rd.

Go congratulate Miranda too, as she just found out she is pregnant. Yay for Mir and Dennis!!!

I feel much more relaxed today than I did yesterday. Maybe an okay night of sleep helped that out, but I'm not sure. Perhaps getting all the panic out of my system yesterday morning did the trick. Maybe not though as I was anxious for a good part of the day yesterday. Ugh, why can't I just be normal???

We're having company starting on Thursday night. J, an old friend of Hubby's is coming to stay with us. I love this guy, he's wonderful. Not LOVE love, but love like a brother, you know? He's a wonderful guy, and I wish that we had more of an opportunity to get together as he lives in Billings and that's a good day's drive.

He was Hubby's best man for our wedding and they've been friends since they were little kids. Of course they have all kinds of funny stories to share about each other! :)

So tonight I have to dust and vacuum the house. Hubby said that he would clean the bathrooms, but I get to do the rest. Wonderful. *sigh* I hope that I have the energy to do all that.

Well, I should go eat my breakfast. I have a cereal bar that is calling my name.

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