All about me - (2001-12-28, 11:55 a.m.)

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For lack of better material, I thought I would add this today. :)

Thanks Holly!

Name: Katress

Location: Presently at work, but live in Minnesota.

Nationality: 1/4 each German, Norwegian, Swedish and Finish.

Gender: Female

Birthday: 11/15/75

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

Chinese Zodiac: I think it's Rabbit

Pets: Cats Simon, Hercules and Homer, Dog Zeus and at work I have a fish named Edgar III

Hair Color: Presently Reddish Brown

Eye Color: Very dark brown

Hair Length: Below my shoulders by about three inches.

Colored? Absolutely!

Screen Name: Katress

Roommates: My husband and the pets.

Car: Red 98 Grand Am in winter, blue 66 Mustang in the summer.

Bed time: Around 10:30 during the week, about midnight on the weekend.

Were you named after anyone? Nope. My parents had my name picked out before I was born though and they never picked out a boy's name.

Do you find yourself attractive? Sometimes when I'm having a good hair day.

Do you think you are cute? Personality wise, yes.

Boyfriend/Girlfriend? Just the husband.

Do you have any piercings? Yes, three in my left ear, two in my right ear and one in my bellybutton.

Do you have any tattoos? Yes, a red and gold flower with green leaves between my shoulder blades and a group of flowers and vines on my lower back that's not completed yet. Not any color. My friend Jason gave me both of them. :)

Do you do drugs? Just over the counter and perscription drugs like aciphex!

Do you drink? Yes.

What kind of Shampoo/Conditioner do you use? I am a slave to Matrix Volumizer shampoo and Paul Mitchell leave in conditioner.

What are you most scared of? Not being able to pay my bills!

How many phone lines in your house? None. Just cell phones.

How many TVs? Two. One in the living room and a small one in the bedroom.

What are you listening to right now? My cube-mate talk on the phone to some idiot that doesn't know how to use Internet Explorer, not to mention the WWW.

Who are you talking to right now? Nobody presently.

What book are you reading? Dreamcatcher by Stephen King

Do you have your own phone line? Just my own cellphone.

What clothes do you sleep in? Old t-shirts and boxers

Who was the last person that called you?

Some idiot that said he needed a reciept for expenses and didn't bother to get one prior to departure.

If you could have one wish what would it be? To have more wishes! Seriously, to not have to worry about money.

If you could change anything about yourself what would it be? I want to be a size seven again!

Who do you really hate? Valerie from college. She screwed my ex-boyfriend when I was down in Atlanta. What a whore.

Do you wish on stars? Of course!

What's on your mouse pad? A kitty and a calender at work, Marines at home.

If you were making a movie about yourself who would play you? Julia Roberts. She's got the right hair.

Do you like your handwriting? Sometimes when it's neat.

Who do you admire? My Mom and Dad. They have lived the way that I want to.

What is the #1 priority in your life? Getting my husband through college.

Any bad habits? Sometimes I drink a little to much. Not very often anymore though. I need to work on my patience.

What store would you never be caught dead in? I can't think of one.

If you were another person would you be friends with you? I don't know. I've never thought about it. Probably though I guess.

Have you ever told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell? Yeah, but it was only for that person's good.

Do looks matter? Sometimes, but it's whats inside that really counts.

Do you pray? Not as regularly as I should.

Have you ever met someone famous? Spiderman when I was a kid. I met both the former Commandant (Charles Krulak) of the Marine Corps and the current Commandant (James Jones).

Are you trendy? Sometimes, but I love classic stuff the best.

What do you do to vent anger? I go here to write, I talk to my husband or to my parents.

Are you passive or aggressive? Passive agressive all the way.

Who is your second family? My friends from the Marines!!!

Do you trust others easily? It depends on how well I know them.

What was your favorite toy as a child? I had a Sesame Street house thingy that I would play with in the bathtub. It had those play-skool like people with the round bodies and round heads.

What class in school did you think was totally useless? Algebra II. Who uses that crap?

Have you ever intentionally hurt someone? Unfortunately I think yes.

Do you like sarcasm? Of course!

Do you feel understood most of the time?

Mostly, but sometimes Hubby just doesn't get it. Of course his brain is clouded with all that testosterone...LOL

Have you ever thought seriously about committing suicide? When I was a teenager. But all that angst, who didn't?

Could you be a vegetarian? I used to be when I was in high school.

Would you ever bungee jump? Forget it. My head does not go under my butt for any reason!

Do you think you are strong? Both physically and emotionally.

Worst feeling in the world? Being lied to, losing a job, disappointment.

What is the first thing that you think of when you wake up in the morning? Homer, move over! Homer-cat is kind of a bed hog.

How many rings before you answer the phone? The fewest possible.

Future childrens's names? Trenton Jordan for a boy and I don't know for a girl.

What is most important in life? Happiness.

Do you like to drive fast? Yes!!! To much time commuting in Washington DC.

Do you sleep with stuffed animals? Nope, just real ones.

If you could meet one person dead or alive who would it be? My maternal grandfather. He died three months before I was born.

If you could have any job you wanted what would it be? That job for MSN where you are not allowed to leave the house and do all your shopping online with an unlimited budget. That would be so much fun!

Would you color your hair any color? Just about, I've had fire engine red and green, so why not?

What's under your bed? Suitcases, dust bunnies, usually a cat or two. The dog tries to wedge himself under there sometimes...

Do you get along with your parents? My Mom is my best friend.

Who have you been friends with the longest? Missy, we've been friends for 14 years. I introduced her to her husband!

What are you thinking right now? I would love to go home and lay down with a good book. That and my shoulders hurt and I'm getting hungry.

What's the background of your computer? Here at work, just generic. At home a picture of Simon the cat.

Can you sing? Yes, and I love to when I'm in the car.

What is your good luck charm? I don't really have one.

Most embarassing CD? I love all kinds of music, but I am pretty embarassed about Hubby's Vanilla Ice CD even though it's technically not mine.

Best thing that happened to you today? Woke up to a fuzzy cat on my right, and the love of my life on my left (even if he was snoring).


Color: purple, silver and green.

Band: To many to list!

Food: Mexican

Fast Food restauraunt: Taco Bell

Song at the moment: Mystikal's new cd Tarantula has a great song, track 6. Don't know the name though.

Place: At home.

Thing to do on the weekend: Sleep in!

Lunch Meat: Ham

Number: 4 or 11

Radio Station: 9.39 WKYS in Washington DC

Animal: kitty!

Store: Wal-Mart.

Scent: Lavender

Ice Cream Flavor: Resee's peanut butter cup! MMMM

Teacher: I don't remember.

Soda: Diet Coke

Month: June

Toothpaste: Close Up red gel. I hate minty toothpaste because an ex roommate would get drunk and brush her teeth with minty toothpaste and get it all over everything including her feet and track it throughout our dorm room.

Restauraunt: El Mariachi

Channel: NBC or Nick. I also love TLC, History Channel and all that.

Music: Rap, but I love everything.

Website: There are entirely to many to list.

Sounds: My kitty purring, my husband saying "I love you."

Alcoholic Drink: Bacardi Limon and Diet coke, Smirnoff Ice, and Vodka Sours.

Album: Nelly.

Juice: Apple or Orange.

Place to go when you have nowhere else to go: Our office to dink around on the computer.

Season: Spring!

Breakfast food: Sausage and bacon.

Place to go with friends: Out to eat or shopping (but not at the mall) Courtney's Comedy Club.

Have you ever...

Smoked? Yes.

Drank? Yes.

Gotten Drunk? Well, I was a college student... :)

Broke the law? Yes, speeding.

Stole something? Never.

Tried to kill yourself? Never.

Made yourself throw up? Never, ick! I don't understand bulimia/anorexia.

Been in love? Presently!

Gone skinny dipping? Yes, when I was in college we would go to the resivoir in the summer time after dark.

Fell asleep in the bathtub or shower?

Not that I can recall.

Ate ice cream with a fork? When there is no spoon available!

Played pin the tail on the donkey? No, but we pinned the Macho on the man at a bachelorette party this summer!

Played spin the bottle? Nope.

Moved and had to leave all your friends behind? Yes, when we left Virginia.

Asked out a guy that your friend liked?


Sent a picture of yourself to someone online that you didn't know? Well, I have one posted online, and I'm sure that people that I don't know have seen it.

Been on radio or television? Yes, on the radio.

Said "I love you" and meant it? Every day.

Made prank calls? No, but I have listened to them!

Skipped school? yes, in High School.

Loved someone so much it made you cry? Of course!

Been scared to get a shot? Every time.

Gotten a cavity? Yes I've had three. Uck.

Shopped at Ambercrombie and Fitch? Um, only in their sale department. Everything else is a bit to expensive for me!

Broken a bone? My wrist twice, my big toe, my finger twice.

Been on a plane? Yes, regularly!

Cried in public? Yes.

Climbed a tree? Not in a long time!

Fell asleep in a movie theatre? Nope.

Kissed a guy or girl? Yes to both.

Ran away? Nope.

Cried when someone died? Every time. Death is sad.

Wanted someone that you couldn't have?

Not in a long time.

Lied? As little as possible.

Cried at school? yes, a long time ago.

Sat by the phone waiting for a call all night? Not that I can recall.

Had AOL conversations? Not in a while.

Saved emails? Every day.

Wished you were someone else? Not really, but it would be nice to have Bill Gates' check book!

Wished that you were a member of the of the opposite sex? Never...

Cried because of someone's hurtful words? In school all the time.

Wanted to look differently? Yes, I would love to have a smaller nose and be a size seven again.

Do you believe in...

Angels: yes

Aliens: yes

Ghosts: yes

Heaven and Hell: yes

God: yes, of course!

Love at first sight: yes, with my husband.

Kisses on the first date: My husband and I did...

Mosters: After seeing Monsters Inc. of course!

Horoscopes: Sometimes.

Cheating: Never, it's wrong!

Yourself: Sometimes depending on what I'm doing.

What or who was your last...

Noise you heard? My cube made saying "I knoooowwww!!" She cracks me up. :)

Song you heard? Something by Mystikal this morning.

Movie you saw? Monsters Inc.

Email you read? Something from my boss at work regarding our email.

Person that you talked to? My coworker Connor.

Time you cried? Christmas Day.

Time you laughed? Lunchtime.

Time you were in love? Every day!

Time you showered? This morning about 9 am.

Do you like filling these out? I must, I'm filling this one out!

How long did it take you to fill this out? Um, start time was 12:00, it's now almost 3:00. If these people would quit calling me...LOL

last - next

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