Nine Dragons - (2001-12-20, 7:54 a.m.)

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I'm going to rant here for a moment.

We ordered lunch in at work yesterday. Chinese from a restauraunt called Nine Dragons. There were four of us, and we all agreed that the food tasted funny...

So I gave the restauraunt a call. They couldn't have cared less that our sweet and sour chicken was burnt on the outside and raw on the inside. The portions were tiny too.

Basically the lady said "to bad, we're not going to do anything about it."

Oh man, if we treated our customers like that we wouldn't be in business! I just couldn't believe it. We certainly won't order from there again, and I told her this. She said "well Ma'am, that's your choice." Yes, it certainly is.

End of rant.

Hubby is going Christmas shopping today. I have all mine done and everything almost all wrapped up. He has gotten me a whole one thing. I'm kind of hurt by this, but then again he is a guy, and guys tend to procrastinate. Hubby is kind of bad with procrastination. This was the most difficult thing for me when we were first married because my own philosophy is just do it and get it done, then you don't have to worry about it anymore. He's gotten better, but it still drives me nuts sometimes.

Unfortunately I don't have anything more interesting to talk about so I'll end it here. Hopefully I'll be feeling a little more positive later on today. :)

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