Christmas Tree skirts! - (2001-12-05, 8:44 p.m.)

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Just not a whole lot going on today to talk about. Tried to get a hold of Holly, but was unsuccessful. That may be due to the fact that Hubby has been monopolizing the phone lines yet again talking to Starband. More internet problems, of course. Having a computer that works again will be almost like a luxury!

At any rate, while Hubby was on the computer I finished two of the Christmas tree skirts that I was working on, and I have to admit that they turned out quite beautiful. I sewed another one together tonight but I still have to figure out what to use for decorations. I put red sequins on the holly berries on the first two, the third one that I have put together just has snowmen and snowflakes. I need to think about it and then run to Wal-Mart for supplies.

We worked together on Christmas lists for our family and friends tonight too. It looks like we are going to be able to afford to get everyone something nice, either homemade or store bought. Most of the women relatives/friends in my life are going to be getting my homemade potpourri of course, and maybe a few little extras here and there. Thank God for that GI bill helping us to pay the bills, otherwise Christmas would be impossible.

Hubby is back now, ready to work on the computer so that means that I get the proverbial boot! He needs to finish fixing, I guess. Hopefully we'll be bacf up and running as normal.

Oh, I almost forgot. I got another cute google hit. Covergirl Outlast Lipcolor. Yes, I love the stuff, but why would you look for something like that on Google? The world may never know. :) G'night!

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