No Hangover! - (2001-10-28, 12:03 p.m.)

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Whew, I totally had to much to drink at the Halloween party last night. Good thing I am within stumbling distance from my parent's house. :)

Hubby looked great dressed up as Osama bin Laden, and of course my Dad provided an authentic M-16 for me to carry around. Boy, those things get heavy though! Yes, my Dad is a gun collecter. It was a real gun. And no, I know all about gun safety, and so does Hubby (obviously, ex-Marine) and it wasn't loaded, and had a steel rod through the barrel for extra safety. I didn't aim it at anyone, and when I got tired of carrying it around I put it back in the gun-room. :)

We had a witch, a Roman, a "Padre" and a Nun, a Joker and a Knight, Jesse Ventura and Maxine. Last but not least, Tim Taylor and Wilson, complete with the fence and everything. How cute are we all???

I was thinking, I should put some pictures up here. I usually like to know who I am talking/writing to. What do you think?

Off to eat some leftovers from the party, there are still some little smokies, chips, dips and the other party fare type of stuff to finish off.

Yum.... :)

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