Still's October! - (2001-10-25, 12:50 p.m.)

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Yeah. So I'm stuck home today. We even made it on the national news this morning! "Western Minnesota and Eastern North Dakota are experiencing record-level snowfall and it's only October." Then of course they find the stupidest locals/media people and interview them. We're not all that stupid up here, please believe me. :)

So I left this morning, making sure that I had plenty of extra time. I made it just through the small town by where we live, and happened onto a very bad car accident. I was thinking to myself already. Good God, this is terrible, I could just shut my headlights off and still see the same thing, I don't need to see the hood of my car, the stuff in front of it is what's important! Visibility is just zero. I saw that accident and turned around.

Called the rest of my family and told them not to bother getting into work. There still hasn't been a snowplow by, but Hubby (who apparently thought a stupid speech he had to give at college was worth risking life/limb/car crashes over went into town about an hour ago. He called and said that the plow hadn't gone through at all, and that you basically drove over drifts that had spread across the highway.

And me, with my lil' Pontiac Grand Am? My chances of making it into town are about, um...NOTHING! I just don't need to be anywhere that badly. Not even the gym! lol

So I figured I would stay home with the kitties, clean the house a little and work on some of my "crafty stuff" that I'm making for friends and family for Christmas. Better to be done early than waiting around. I hate procrastinating.

Have a good day people, and show me the guestbook love. I'm off to have some tacos for lunch. :)

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