Just Another Friday Night - (2001-09-28, 7:28 p.m.)

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Well my hubby finally got winproxy up and working correctly so that we don't have to wait a year-and-a-half for each page to load. This will make life much more pleasant! :)

This morning at work, we were all discussing Diet Coke with Lemon. I work with a bunch of 20-30's women, so that's kinda the stuff that we talk about. Out of the 18 of us there are two guys. Poor things.

Anyhow, we have all really decided that we either love it or hate it. I personally love it, and have a glass sitting right here in front of me! The best thing to happen in the soda world in a while, as far as I am concerned. :)

I was thinking about something else that really annoys the hell out of me at work. You know, when some VIP has his secretary calling for him, and she either wants to a: cancel his flights, b: do an exchange on his itinerary, or c: confirm his itinerary, it really annoys me.

This is ridiculous for several reasons. Due to the increase in our nations airports (and you know about this unless you have been hiding under a ROCK for the past 2 1/2 weeks) we are not allowed to give out itinerary information to anyone but the person that purchased the reservation or the person who's name is on the ticket. Makes sense, right?

Well, apparently not to these people. They get angry with the agent because we aren't willing/able to share this info. So of course it's immediately "hold please and I will get Mr. So-and-so." Girl, I work in a call center, please! I can't really hold! I mean, are you really that important that you need to make an Online Service Rep wait on hold for you? You must have a pretty sad life.

And you know what's even worse? When it's a male secretary (whoops, Admin Assistant, of course) calling for his female boss. She's usually much more of a snot than the guys ever are. Unless the VIP guy thinks they can bully a woman around over the phone. Trust me, that NEVER WORKS! I'll send you to Timbuktu out of spite! :)

Well, that's all for now. My back hurts from my workout so I think I'm going to take a bath and go to bed. How lively us married folk are on Friday nights...

Drop me a line in my guestbook! I'm still getting a huge kick out of meeting people on diaryland. Let me know who you are and what you think! :)

Thank you, and goodnight.

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