The Cat That Won't Move - (2001-09-27, 5:35 p.m.)

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My cat won't get out of my lap. It's very difficult to type around him, but I will sure try. His name is Homer and he's kind of a "mama's boy" type of cat. When I got home from work tonight he just does laps around me and meows until I pick him up and cuddle him. He is definitely the strangest of my three cats.

Well, I'm excited for this! I got a very nice message from decemberrose regarding my site. Basically, I asked her if I could list her as one of my favorite diaries, and she was totally receptive to that. She also offered to answer any html questions that I have.

Last night I told my husband that I was attempting to create a website for myself, and he is pretty skeptical...not that he doesn't have faith in me or anything, he's just like "you don't know html, how are you going to learn it???" I'm determined, that's how! For God's sake, I have a 4 year degree and half of a master's thesis done, I think I can teach myself html if I used to teach classes for undergrads. (gulp) I hope. :)

Today at work was MUCH better, not so many crabby customers. I mean, do you really think that I am going to be receptive to your needs if you tell me that you are holding me personally responsible for the interest accrued on your credit card while my airline processes your refund? Um, no. Sometimes I just wish that I could record some of these people and call them back in a day or so and play their voice back to them so that they know how big of jerks they sound like.

It's not that I don't like my job, I REALLY do, even if I am tragically underqualified. I enjoy it, and where I live, it's about as good as I'm going to get as far as salary goes. Besides, working in the airline industry does have is benefits, especially since I LOVE TO TRAVEL! My husband and I have been back to Washington DC two times in the past year to visit our friends (used to be stationed there) since he got out of the Marines! This country can't run without the airlines, and eventually people will come around. :)

Well, that's about all for now, I should really go and think about supper for my college boy husband. I love to tease him about that, even though he takes it a little hard, he's the oldest one in some of his classes (age 24, ancient, right?).

I may write more later if I get a chance to. I also will try to add a guestbook if Starband (satellite internet service, the only choice for those of us in the boonies) starts freaking working again. What a piece of crap, and for $70/month I really expected more. Oh well.

Tidbit for the day: my favorite smell is lavender and I am trying to make homemade potpourri for my family this year!

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