Kraig's Accident, Dave Gets Tough at Work - (2006-06-16, 1:02 p.m.)

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There just hasn't been much to say lately, but I've been around.

The funeral was very sad. But in a good way, if that makes sense. Bob was having some health problems, and he lived a full life. I haven't ever seen Dave cry in public, and I know that he was trying very hard not to, but he was a pall bearer, and he got the sniffles. His uncle was important to him.

I felt a little odd, as I was there with him, with the family and stuff, but we're not married.

Kiddo was sure a joy to have this weekend and Monday-Tuesday. She and I hung out Tuesday night before I brought her home. We painted each other's toenails and had a tetris tournament. Then watched a movie. I am so happy to have her as part of my life.

Dave's nephew Kraig brought home Dave's Triumph TT 600 sport bike back to B****** on Tuesday night. His mom (Dave's sis) wasn't to thrilled with the idea of her son on a sport bike, but his dad was all for it! So into the back of their truck it went, and home so that someone could ride it.

Unfortunately Kraig called Dave yesterday to tell him that he had been in an accident, and it didn't look good. Kraig was okay (Thank you God!!!) and everything - no broken bones or scrapes and he was wearing his helmet.

Get this - the poor kid!!! He was stopped at a corner and some dumb-ass rear ended him! I hope this doesn't put Kraig off of wanting to ride at all, because I know he's the most responsible young man I've ever met, and he's so careful.

Kraig's Dad came right away as I guess the bike wasn't rideable and got the other driver's insurance information and stuff, but we're thinking that the bike might be totalled out. The plastics on those sport bikes are awfully expensive...and who knows, if he was rear-ended, perhaps the frame is bent and I'll betcha the back tire popped. I mean, we needed a new tire on it anyhow, but gosh.

Just as long as Kraig was okay, neither Dave nor I really cared. Seriously. It was a starter bike that Dave bought, and he thought he himself would dump it. So go figure.

Dave seems to be getting a little bit more back to "normal" every day. He is super stressed about these next two installs that will have him gone from home for 2 1/2 weeks, but I think it's getting better. He came home last night late from work and just crashed. I laid in bed and talked with him about stuff, and it sounds like he has finally put his foot down at work. Both in regard to him having a ridiculous volume of work thrust upon him (which is partially his fault as he doesn't say NO) and the ability of others to do their jobs to support him being able to get his work done. I mean, if he can't get others to do what they're supposed to do, how is he supposed to do his job? Previously, he just did their jobs FOR THEM, which is WAY WRONG, but hopefully this will be changing. Apparently he also told his boss that he's not going to be able to keep up if things continue at this pace. (Thanks for the advice Jason and Mandy, it is helping!!!)

So things at home are settling down, finally. I think Dave had to hit bottom early this week, and things are starting to improve. I just need to remember to lay off and just let him be, because he's extra-stressed. That's hard for me though, because I know he's hurting. *sigh* But he needs space.

Guess I had more to talk about today than I thought?

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