ER? - (2006-04-06, 9:48 a.m.)

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I tried to add an update with pictures of my dirty muddy dogs yesterday, but every time I plug my camera in to my computer it restarts it. WTF? So I had my entry all written (of course) and managed to shut down twice. After that I gave up.

You'll just have to imagine two German Shepherds who didn't have any tan on them, and with fur looking kind of dreadlocky. Daisy especially was quite the sight! I laughed all the way back to the house to grab the camera. :)

Mom and Dad got home yesterday, and Mom went in to the emergency room last night. She hasn't been feeling to good for the last few days but thought it was the flu. Now every time she eats it gets worse. The ER doc said that it's either ulcers or gall bladder, so we'll see what's going on.

You know, it's been a rough last year, all things considered.


Dave hurts his back and can hardly move


Dave has back surgery, I have vein excision surgery on the vein in my leg that won't heal up


Dave decides that he's "okay" enough to go shingle the lake cabin. I hold my breath the entire time.


I turn 30, Dave turns 31.


FREEBIE! But Christmas is stressful as always.


Leave work on disability.


Diagnosed with cubital tunnel, both elbows.


Diagnosed with carpal tunnel, both wrists, working 2 hours a day every other day. Going to see the doctor more than I see Dave.


The river floods, Mom comes home and promptly goes to the ER. Working 4 hours a day every other day. Still seeing a lot of Geralyn for PT and Dr. Beard.

I certainly hope that the next few months are much more drama free than the last!

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Hospital Stay for Dad
Long time, no write
Soul Sucker
What the F*(&^ is Fibromyalgia?