Bachelorette Weekend - (2006-03-27, 10:00 a.m.)

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Interesting weekend. Dave was up in Canada for a weekend long bachelor party, so I spent the weekend at home with the dogs/cats and with my girlfriends.

Friday night I honestly think I was still recovering from Mike's birthday Thursday, so I just drank club soda and ate pizza. Nothing to eventful. Left early as I was tired, came home and did some stuff around the house and went to bed. Pretty much dullsville.

Saturday my girlfriend Jen, her sister Nikki and I went out. College bar. I felt pretty old.

But I was amazed at the number of young men (okay, guys in their early to mid 20's which I consider young at this point in life) hit on me!

Not that they just walked up and started talking away, but Nikki's ex was there with a group of guys and after talking to me, finding out that I wasn't available, they still would rain compliments on me.


That new green jacket that I got at NY & Co. must be hotter than I thought!?!?

So anyhow, Sunday morning reminded me why I never was a big fan of keg beer, because even though I didn't drink a lot, I drank over a period of time and woke up with a keg beer headache.

So overall, a good weekend. My arms were killing me yesterday, so didn't do much yesterday. Other than that, good times.

I should email Jen and see how the poker game she went to post-bar went.

I went home and went to bed. :)

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