SUVs are Wespons of Mass Consumption - (2006-03-25, 12:48 p.m.)

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I've been clicking on banners again. Sometimes I find something great, other times I find something dull.

Today I found something that pissed me off.

This diarist, with a whopping 11 entries apparently has a problem with "people like me." I don't think she's stupid, just, ummm...uninformed about some of the realities of life.

Let me tell you something about people like me. And Dave, for that matter. And his whole family and mine.

We drive SUVs and trucks. Damned fucking right.

Ever heard of FARMERS? Yeah, those people that grow stuff so that we all have food to eat. They drive trucks, too. Sometimes great big semis full of grain, so that they can get the grain to the elevator so that it can be distributed.

I suppose you're against that, too. Dave grew up on a damned farm. He drives a full size Chevy Silverado. So do both his brother and brother-in-law. So does his Dad. It's something quite useful to have a truck on a farm. And during harvest season, they all help.

'Cause let me tell you, you're not going to fit hay bales or machinerey or spare parts/gas/oil/grain/corn in a Ford Focus or an economy car.

This person was talking about fitting 6 into a SUV. Yeah, I drive an SUV. I'm not going to be able to fit 6 people in my Ford Explorer, as state law requires everybody to wear their seatbelt.

Oh, and I suppose that I'm "bad" because I choose to drive an SUV. Yep. I must be as I commute by myself.

Well let me tell you, unless you've ever tried to get to work in a good old raging prairie blizzard - or get home to your family, for that matter, you don't get it and it's very clear that you never will. Most people here drive 4x4s in the winter if they live out of town. And we do live off interstate by about 6 miles. Those 6 miles could take an awfully long time unless you attach a snowplow on the front your little economy car. Of course, you wouldn't have the engine power to push that now either, would you?

We live on five acres of property. That takes a lot of work, especially when you have a 35 year old tree line, and a river that serves as 1/5 of your property border. Seriously, it's an unbelievable amount of work. So unless you want to haul tree branches, garbage that somehow accumulates in the tree line etc. etc. in your little economy car, you'd be out of luck.

So yeah, we drive big vehicles. I need to haul stuff around. I originally got an SUV because my two large dogs couldn't fit in my Pontiac Grand Am. I would NEVER go back.

So enfinenfin, keep your mouth shut before you make generalizations that blanket everyone. Because unless you've lived here or worked on a farm (grain/beans like Dave's family or dairy/beef like the one that I spent summers on) you will never understand.

"i also need to stop at the printer to pick up signage for my 'SUVs Are Weapons of Mass Consumption' picket scheduled for tomorrow"

If we didn't consume with our purported "Weapons of Mass Destruction" you wouldn't have food to eat. So yeah, thanks for playing.

Good grief. I think someone has way to much time on their hands.

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