Animal stuff and clean carpet. Oh, and SW3 - (2005-05-22, 5:22 p.m.)

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I believe she in her usual wisdom has summed it up for me.

I cannot watch that show.

I get to upest/worked up/whatever and start to cry. I just don't understand some people.

I mean, I have two dogs and four freaking cats. I could charge admission out here! It's a circus, but each one of them is loved completely and totally spoiled with all the food they want - or at least a portion so some don't overeat. But nobody wants for anything at Kat and Dave's house. Nothing.

Some people make me sick and it's no wonder that people can be so ugly to each other. I don't understand it, but it happens all the time.

Doing what I do for a living, I see more identity theft than you can even imagine. People get their stuff stolen all the time...


Dave, Ryan and Susie went to Star Wars 3 this weekend. All I can say is wow, but there are some loose ends that weren't tied up for me.


Like how the heck does Chewbacca end up flying with Han Solo? I mean, he's in the movie hanging out with Yoda, but how does he hook up with Han?

That was probably the biggest one and I can't think much anymore.

I've been cleaning carpet with my new carpet cleaner. My Bissel piece of s*** finally died and I'm tired of putting more money into it to get it fixed, so I bought me a Hoover.

Holy crap, I'm getting sand out of the carpeting. Guess my old one wasn't doing quite the job that I thought it was... So far 1/2 of the house is clean, and Dave has to go into work tonight for a few hours (planned outage/downtime at his company) so I'm going to hang out, clean carpet and just relaaaaaxxxxxxx.


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