Procrastinating cleaning - (2005-05-19, 9:31 p.m.)

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I should be cleaning right now.

Dave has rechristened Homer as "The Homer-Alarm" as he seems to always wake BOTH of us up at least 1/2 hour before the alarm goes off. It's turning into a pattern that neither one of us is really happy about.

We're going to have one heck of a busy weekend and we're not going to get the deck built either. :(

Saturday we have to work in the garden (veggie and flower both) and I have totally got to mow the lawn. Small animals can play hide and seek in that thing right now, so it's time to mow it down and spray some dandelions.

I love my lawn. I keep it pretty well - God help the dandelion that dares infiltrate my lawn. Hehehe...

Going to work on the flowerbeds that aren't going to be torn up in the deck construction too. Which really isn't all that much as there's going to be some shrubs moving around and things like that. Maybe I should put lots in pots this summer and just call it good???

So - Saturday:

-mow lawn
-spray dandelions (die flowers DIE)
-Go to memorial service in Whap
-Star Wars with Ryan/Susie? Not sure yet.


-Clean carpets?
-laundry for sure
-paint office?

I also need to figure out what the heck to do with L**'s room as she's coming to stay again next weekend. For the whole weekend. And Dave has to work Monday (Memorial Day). Kind of nervous that she's not going to find me "fun" enough, but so far it's been great. So hopefully we'll be able to get her room painted or something at least...?

Gosh it's hot in here.

Oh, total side note. I'm tired, can you tell?

Did online bill pay for the first time this evening. Of course, since I work for the bank it's free, and I'm loving it. I get all sorts of benefits free from the bank, so yeah. Figured I would try it. How slick is that? I loved it, and now it's going to take me 1/4 of the time to pay bills. :)

Yay for billpay.

That is all. Better go clean as I've been procrastinating it.

last - next

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