Mouse adventures of Daisy and Calvin - (2003-08-07, 6:31 p.m.)

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Wow, I was anticipating much more response than what I got from my little quiz last entry.

I need to answer those questions, but for now I think that I'm going to leave you in suspense. :)

Last night was an exciting one in our house. Simon the cat brought a mouse in and dropped it--and it subsequently ran under the loveseat and hid. I had no idea that he had done this, but Daisy was out in the living room sniffing all around the couch and the videos that we have (they're right by the couch). I couldn't get her to come to bed, and Calvin was racing back and forth between the bedroom and the living room.

I finally gave up and got up to see what in the world was going on out there!

I grabbed a flashlight and underneath the couch were two little beady black eyes. I lifted the loveseat and Daisy came out from underneath with a tail hanging out of her mouth just as pleased as could be, her tail wagging and all!

She marched outside with her prize, Calvin trailing behind her. I called them both in after about five minutes and fed them milkbones to get Calvie to drop the mouse...and then threw it back outside. Poor thing was all soggy and I'm sure that he/she had the fright of it's life!

I guess it's the dogs that are the mousers at our house. :)

So you can understand if I'm a little tired today. Oh well, it was pretty cute.

On a completely different note, I watered my rosemary plant outside and fertilized it, and now my hands smell like rosemary. Yummy!


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