The Five Choices, The Lie Revealed! - (2003-08-09, 10:43 a.m.)

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And so ends the suspense. :)

I'll tell you which one was the lie.

1. I have been a certified scuba diver for 15 years (I'm 27). Nobody guessed this one.

This is true. I was certified when I was 12, and for the first few years of diving I would hold my Dad's hand. Those MN lakes are murky and you can get lost pretty easily. I would love to pursue being a certified Scuba instructor, but that requires money and I just don't have that extra cash right now. I've been to Mexico seven times to dive also. There's nothing prettier than reef diving and one of my goals is to dive the Great Barrier Reef in Australia before I die.

2. I hate to read. No, really it was the hardest part of college for me. Who guessed this one? Holly, Arrora and KungFuKitten!

This is the lie! I love to read! I have two bookshelves at home that are about 4x6 and they are packed totally full! I will read anything that I can get my hands on. Including sometimes the back of cereal boxes at breakfast if I'm really desperate.

3. I have never been able to run an entire mile at one time. Nobody guessed this.

This is also true. I have bad knees. End of story.

4. I didn't like dogs at all until we had Daisy and Calvin. Who guessed? Karen, Steph, Tara and Rosie!

Yes, this is true too. I liked Zeus okay towards the end, but I never really realized what a wonderful companion he was until we lost him. I grew up with dogs and never really liked them much. They were just way to dependent for my taste. Surprise! Now I have two dogs on the bed at night and usually a cat or two. In fact, I have one dog on my right (Daisy) and a kitty (Homer) on my left, both staring intently at me wanting attention.

5. I have no idea what my natural hair color is. Who guessed? Karen and last - next

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